A theatrical play can be dramatic, avant-garde, thought provoking or funny or all of them put together, like in the case of Strength and Health. English Theatre Berlin hosted this performance in 2013 and asked me if I could photograph this immersive piece. I admit I don't go to the theatre often and so it was a completely new experience for me to be able to walk around the stage and among the actors during the limited time we had together. It was intriguing and I definitely would like to photograph more theatre plays, especially if they are like this one.

A timer at the Strength and Health performance.
Stage props placed on tables and lit in various colours.
Actors waiting for their cue in a room during a theatre play.
Actors walking out to the floor at the Strength and Health performance at the English Theatre Berlin.
One of the three moderators speaking over a mic light from behind.
Actors walking onto their platforms with spectators.
Actors pretending to be in an eating competition.
Actors onstage preparing to eat from their tables.
A woman looking at a TV screen in the lobby of the English Theatre Berlin.
Three actors on stage playing with food.
A performer cleaning tables during the Strength and Health play.
An actor in a yellow jumpsuit with a bolt cutting lettuce onstage.
An actor in a mirror rolling his eyes in a play at the English Theatre Berlin.
An actor in a yellow wrestling suit splashing water on himself from a bottle.

