Olga Baczynska Olga Baczynska


On a late April afternoon I attended a seminar organized by CBMI (Center for Biomedical Image and Information Processing). They have just recently made a move to HTW Berlin, and as a way of introducing their organisation and team, they set up this event in their new headquarters. I was taking photos, of course, but I also learned a lot of fascinating facts about the modern world of biomedical data collecting. CBMI is there to study the processing and support in analyzing of this massive amount of information, something that could save many lives.

On a late April afternoon I attended a seminar organized by CBMI (Center for Biomedical Image and Information Processing). They have just recently made a move to HTW Berlin, and as a way of introducing their organisation and team, they set up this event in their new headquarters. I was taking photos, of course, but I also learned a lot of fascinating facts about the modern world of biomedical data collecting. CBMI is there to study the processing and support in analyzing of this massive amount of information, something that could save many lives.

Sign for a comb conference event in Berlin.
Speaker at a cbmi event addressing attendees.
A conference attendee reading information.
Cbmi conference organisers talking over documents.
A woman speaking at a CBMI conference in Berlin.
A woman and man during a presentation at the CBMI conference.
A conference participant taking a video.
A man doing a power point presentation during a CBMI conference.
VIP attendees of the CBMI conference in Berlin.
A man speaking during a discussion panel at the CBMI conference.
A Peter Hufnagl at a discussion panel at the CBMI conference.
CBMI conference organisers doing a power point presentation.
Peter Hufnagl at a CBMI conference in Berlin.